The Urban Health-Nature Pairing: Past, Present and Future
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air quality

How to Cite

del Caz Enjuto, M. R., & Querol, X. (2021). The Urban Health-Nature Pairing: Past, Present and Future. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 21(1), 47–55. Retrieved from


This article is a reflection on the role that nature has played and plays in promoting human health in cities. To this end, a brief historical review is made starting from the Enlightenment all the way to the present day, where vegetation in cities is regaining a leading role that it lost in the second half of the 20th century.

The benefits (direct and indirect) of vegetation and naturalized spaces for human health in urban areas are multiple and increasingly studied. This article also reviews some of them with the aim of disclosing them so as to raise awareness thereof among the different social agents, from the general public to the political authorities. This is particularly important today, when more and more scientific research is revealing the link between the loss of biodiversity and zoonotic diseases, and when it has been unequivocally acknowledged that poor air quality in cities causes deaths and various kinds of health problems.

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