Inequalities in cancer mortality across the border areas of Spain and Portugal. Huelva, Algarve and Baixo Alentejo
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spatial epidemiology

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Viñas Casasola, M. J., Gurucelain Raposo, J. L., Fajardo Rivas, M. L., Rivas Alcázar, F., Valle Gallardo, J., & Ordóñez Bermúdez, M. T. (2020). Inequalities in cancer mortality across the border areas of Spain and Portugal. Huelva, Algarve and Baixo Alentejo. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 20(1), 62–72. Retrieved from


The municipal distribution of lung and breast cancers in the province of Huelva has certain patterns. Our aim is to compare the distribution of these types of cancer in Huelva with that of two bordering Portuguese districts: Algarve and Baixo Alentejo. Lung cancer deaths (C33-C34) and breast cancer deaths (C50) of people living in Huelva and in the Algarve and Baixo Alentejo between 2002 and 2015 were included. The death and population numbers were obtained from the National Statistics Institutes of Spain and Portugal. The unit of analysis was the municipality. The relative risks (RRs) or smoothed, standardized mortality rates were calculated according to the "convolution prior" model proposed by Besag, York and Mollié, which is the most widely used and includes spatial heterogeneity and non-spatial extra-variability as random effects. In the case of breast cancer, there are no big differences in the RRs, which range from 0.92 to 1.12. However, for lung cancer, the RRs range from 0.57 to 1.42, the highest values occurring in the province of Huelva. The differences and similarities found in the RRs in the areas studied can be related to the differences in protection and the risk factors existing in the different populations. It would be necessary to delve deeper into border research on the incidence of cancer and the distribution of risk factors among the populations.
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