A study of rural populations exposed to arsenic in drinking water in the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina. Communication strategies and risk prevention
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rural health
risk communication

How to Cite

Quiroga, A. M., Leonarduzzi, E., Lunguni, I., Sigrist, M., Colussi, C., & Simoniello, M. F. (2020). A study of rural populations exposed to arsenic in drinking water in the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina. Communication strategies and risk prevention. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 20(2), 150–159. Retrieved from https://ojs.diffundit.com/index.php/rsa/article/view/1038


The presence of arsenic (As) in groundwater has a natural origin and constitutes a public health issue in certain regions of Santa Fe Province, Argentina, because it is a high frequency event. The objective was to assess biochemical and genotoxic changes in rural populations with varying concentrations of As in water for human consumption. The study included 308 volunteers who live in the central region of the province and who agreed to participate by signing the appropriate informed consent form. An interview was carried out that allowed them to describe their eating habits and to assess biochemical changes (blood count, glycemia, uricemia, uremia, creatininemia, cholesterolemia, triglyceridemia) and oxidative damage to their DNA (endonuclease modified comet assay). After analyzing the survey it was observed that 35% of the participants continue to drink groundwater with variable As contents, whereas only 22% drink safe water. The rest of the participants used water with As to cook their food, which explains the results obtained of As excretion in urine. In addition, oxidative damage in DNA was observed in those participants who drink water with As compared to those who no longer drink it (p <0.01). The results were reported to the participants and health personnel to trigger health interventions in these locations. The announcement of the results to the rest of the rural populations in the province could also help to manage this risk.
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