Numerical Simulation of Boiler Explosions: Guidelines for Plant Layout as a Damage Mitigation Measure
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hazard assessment
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Morales-Vargas, R. A. (2020). Numerical Simulation of Boiler Explosions: Guidelines for Plant Layout as a Damage Mitigation Measure. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 20(2), 137–149. Retrieved from


Boiler explosions in various countries have caused costly, serious damage to workplaces and injuries to employees ranging from burns and lacerations to death. The main cause of boiler explosion is a low water level, which causes overheating of the boiler tubes, leading to sudden vaporization, an increase in pressure, and catastrophic failure. This article reviews the technical requirements for the safe operation of boilers in the regulations of Latin American countries, focusing on the correct location and distancing of the boiler room according to the major hazard the explosion of the boiler. Current location requirements in Latin America are compared to those in other international legislations. In addition, potential damagesare analyzed according to standard explosion cases for common boiler sizes in Latin America and from a leading manufacturer and to the author ́s experience. The resulting peak overpressure was calculated for these cases as a function of distance, the damage of the shock wave being estimated in order to recommend an ideal or improved boiler room location to thus minimize the damage from explosions and the severity of water vapor burns. Minimum “safe distances” between the boiler and other structures and equipment were estimated to also protect human beings from overpressures. The usefulness of simple distance-overpressure models in combination with Probit models is discussed in relation to more complex models of fluid dynamics and finite-element structural calculations. It is proposed that mandatory analysis of consequences, using similar or more elaborate models, be incorporated in Latin American and other international legislations and used to guide plant layout.
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