Towards a Latin American Health & Climate Observatory: Seminary on Instrumentation and Methodologies
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health observatory
environmental health
social determinants of health

How to Cite

Rusticucci, M., Fontán, S. G., Abrutzky, R., Bartolomeu, L., Chesini, F., & Mantilla, G. (2020). Towards a Latin American Health & Climate Observatory: Seminary on Instrumentation and Methodologies. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 20(2), 119–128. Retrieved from


The study of the relationship between health and climate requires articulating various actors and disciplines. This paper presents the experience of the Latin American Seminar on Instruments and Methodologies for a climate and health observatory— held in Buenos Aires in 2019 and supported by the Latin American Center for Interdisciplinary Training (CELFI)—as a linking and training facility referencing the projects that are being carried out in this field throughout Latin American. This paper presents the design, contents, didactic approach and execution of the seminar, as well as its results regarding participation, products and evaluation. Likewise, the methodologies that could allow articulating different disciplines in a process of gainingknowledge about the climate-health relationship are reflected throughout this process. Finally, the main guidelines for this observatory, arising from an exchange with key actors, are set forth herein. The execution of the seminar, the projects presented as the products thereof, the discussions that arose during the exchange, and the need to continue with this work over the following months point out to the importance and necessity of building this observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean in an interdisciplinary way.
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