Air Quality: Industrial Pollution as a Risk Factor for Acute Respiratory Diseases in Children
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air pollution
respiratory diseases
children’s health
spatial distribution
geographic information systems

How to Cite

Orcellet, E. E., Caire, D. M., Villanova, M., Savoy, F., Noir, J. O., & Hagedorn, S. (2021). Air Quality: Industrial Pollution as a Risk Factor for Acute Respiratory Diseases in Children. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 21(2), 108–116. Retrieved from


Approximately 3 million deaths that happen every year are related to exposure to outdoor air pollution. Nearly 90 percent of air pollution-related deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Children are one of the most vulnerable groups. In this regard, this paper assesses the quality of ambient air in connection with certain pollutants that can be released as a result of the industrial activities that take place in the city of Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina, in relation to the spatial distribution of acute respiratory diseases in children aged 0 to 14. Two sectors of the city were considered to this end: a risk zone and a control zone. Environmental measurements of hydrogen sulfide, particulate matter and sulfur dioxide were taken in both zones. On the other hand, the on- call records of the area hospital were digitalized to obtain secondary epidemiological data, which were then georeferenced using geographic information systems. The occurrence of cases and the trend in each area of interest were then assessed. The results of the air quality analysis show there is a higher concentration of sulfur dioxide in the risk zone than in the control zone; however, the maximum limit for this pollutant is exceeded in both zones. Conversely, hydrogen sulfide and particulate matter are within limits in both zones. Likewise, in the risk zone there is a higher density of cases and a higher incidence of acute respiratory diseases in the age group under study.
PDF (Español (España))


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