Health in neighbourhoods: impact of extreme temperatures
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energy poverty

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Sánchez-Guevara, C., López Bueno, J. A., Núñez Peiró, M., Linares Gil, C., & Sanz Fernández, A. (2021). Health in neighbourhoods: impact of extreme temperatures. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 21(1), 65–73. Retrieved from


Projections about climate change forecast an increase in the number and intensity of heat waves. In Spain daily maximum temperatures are projected to increase by 0.4 °C per decade in the 2021-2050 period and by 0.6 °C per decade in the 2051-2100 period in a maximum emissions scenario (RCP8.5). This increase in temperatures may lead to significant healthcare costs, on top of current mortality and morbidity increases, as a result of the population’s exposure to temperature extremes.

The built urban environment and buildings proper play a key role in the population’s degree of exposure to these temperature extremes. The high density of cities and the absence of green spaces are modifiers of urban climate. In large cities this is manifested in a high intensity of the heat island phenomenon. The poor energy efficiency of much of the housing pool and high energy prices compound this problem, especially in energy poverty situations where households are unable to keep their homes at temperatures suitable for optimal health conditions.

Interventions should be made in neighborhoods with health in mind, the clear objective of which should be reducing the population’s exposure to extreme temperatures and the associated health risks. It is necessary to combine actions on the public space aimed at improving the urban microclimate with measures intended to improve the thermal comfort conditions in dwellings.

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