Factors behind the Damage Caused by Simuliidae
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public health
medical and veterinary importance
Valencian Autonomous Region

How to Cite

López Peña, D., & Jiménez Peydró, R. (2021). Factors behind the Damage Caused by Simuliidae. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 21(2), 132–136. Retrieved from https://ojs.diffundit.com/index.php/rsa/article/view/1116


The increase in damage caused by simuliid blackflies since the end of the 1990s has aroused special interest in the study of this group of diptera in our country. In addition to the importance of fauna studies, in order to know the species present in our habitats, it is of interest to know other aspects related to the incidence of their attacks on both human beings and animal species of veterinary interest. The review of the current status of the Simuliidae family in Spain has allowed the list of the 52 species present and their distribution maps to be compiled. Efficacy studies of biological treatments have been carried out, as well as risk maps of some hematophagous species of sanitary and/or veterinary importance. The bioecology of the species has made it possible to establish in detail the optimal and tolerances of the abiotic and biotic variables that determine their habitats.
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