Waste Burning, Pollution and Health Risks. A Case Analysis in Argentina
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particulate matter

How to Cite

Brites, W. F. (2022). Waste Burning, Pollution and Health Risks. A Case Analysis in Argentina. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 22(2), 176–183. Retrieved from https://ojs.diffundit.com/index.php/rsa/article/view/1140


This paper purports that the burning of household waste is growing at the same pace as residential expansion in the southern area of the city of Posadas, Argentina. This is a novel, exploratory study that provides a brief diagnosis of environmental pollution by particulate matter. Out of the wide range of pollutants released by waste burning, the study took PM2.5 as a “benchmark pollutant” and identified the places and times of the greatest impact, burning practices, risky behaviors, etc. Aside environmental pollution, the practice of waste burning affects air quality and has potential harmful effects on public health. The evidence gathered shows that garbage burning is the most hazardous environmental issue facing the city today, and the characteristics of the phenomenon indicate that emissions of particulate matter and pollutants are accelerating.

PDF (Español (España))


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