Records of Dead Sea Turtles Stranded in The Municipality of Maxaranguape, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
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sea turtles
fishing activity
environmental health

How to Cite

Barreto, I. N. R.,  Veríssimo Pinheiro Da Silva, L. G., & Navoni, J. A. (2022). Records of Dead Sea Turtles Stranded in The Municipality of Maxaranguape, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 22(2), 223–227. Retrieved from


Marine pollution resulting from the dumping of solid waste, the improper disposal of sewage and the abandonment of fishing gear in the high seas can lead to the death of sea turtles in different ways. The capture of individuals through fishing however has been reported as the main threat to these animals. The large number of sea turtle deaths by fishing make this an environmental health issue of great import for future study as all sea turtle species are facing extinction. Based on these findings, this research was conducted in the municipality of Maxaranguape with the aim of recording strandings and identifying the species of the sea turtles that were found dead as well as ascertaining their gender, developmental stage and possible interactions with fishing vessels and implements. Data were collected from 2016 to 2018. A total of 153 sea turtle strandings were recorded, 141 records belonging to the Chelonia mydas species, which account for 92.1 % of all strandings.

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