Campylobacteriosis is the most reported gastrointestinal disease in the European Union (EU). In this work, the epidemiological characteristics of campylobacteriosis in Spain before the COVID-19 pandemic were analyzed.
A retrospective descriptive observational study was carried out, in which cases and epidemic outbreaks of campylobacteriosis reported to the Spanish Epidemiological Surveillance Network (RENAVE), as well as information related to the data registered in the Minimum Basic Data Set of Hospital Discharges (CMBD) between 2013 and 2019 were studied.
A total of 114 273 cases, 211 outbreaks and 16 636 hospital discharges of campylobacteriosis were reported. The cumulative incidence of cases increased until 2018, hospital discharges increased as well for the entire period. The highest incidences appeared in children under 5 years, and the median age was higher in those hospitalized. The number of cases, outbreaks, and hospital discharges was higher in the warmer months. The food item most frequently reported in foodborne outbreaks was chicken meat, and the household was the most frequent setting reported.
Campylobacteriosis in Spain has shown an increasing incidence in recent years, in contrast to the EU, so prevention and control measures should be strengthened, considering the most affected age groups and the groups where it is most severe (under 5 years and the elderly). The incorporation of other data sources, such as hospital discharges, can improve epidemiological surveillance by adding other relevant data for decision-making and considering possible differences in surveillance between Autonomous Regions (AA.RR).
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