Climate and non-climate factors threaten the health of the population and the socio-ecological systems of the Amazon. Since the pressures resulting from deforestation, resource extraction, crime and land grabbing in the region transcend geopolitical, scientific and cultural margins, so must actions and responses to mitigate their impacts on human and environmental health. Despite the growing environmental and health insecurity experienced by Amazonian populations in the face of anthropogenic and climatic changes, there are strategies and opportunities for the protection and sustainable management of the environment and human health. In this essay, we propose to highlight the relevance and articulation of transboundary, transdisciplinary and intercultural approaches in addressing environmental and human health in the Amazon. In this sense, we present some examples of experiences in the Amazon region that pose opportunities and challenges for conducting research and establishing policies based on these three approaches that we consider particularly valuable to contribute to the sustainability of the complex biocultural diversity of the basin.
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