Application of the Multivariated Systemic Method to the determination of the environmental quality of the estuary of Ría of Huelva
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multivaried analysis
component of failure
dose of risk
reference dose
environmental health

How to Cite

Arribas de Paz, R., & Ruiz-Frutos, C. (2004). Application of the Multivariated Systemic Method to the determination of the environmental quality of the estuary of Ría of Huelva. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 4(1-2), 47–55. Retrieved from


The estuary of Ría of Huelva, recognized like Reserve of the Biosphere by UNESCO, is affected by spills of diverse origin. The method Sistémico Multivariado (MSM), applied prior to harbor works or in economy, has been used to characterize the estuary in risk terms and environmental reliability. After determining the variables that take part and to describe the mechanisms of performance of toxics, these have been classified in cancerigenic and noncancerigenic. Criteria defined by Environmental Protection Agency have been used (EPA-EEUU), the “dose of reference” for the noncancerigenic ones, the “factor of fall” for the cancerigenic ones, paying attention to the “components of failure”. The reliability of the system has been analyzed and the one of each component, with which it must have the system “Ría of Huelva”, following methodology MSM on determination of the permissible reliability of a design system. The reliability of the system is despicable for the physiological conditions of the studied fish, meaning that determined species are condemned to their extinction or its absence of the place. One has seen the applicability of the MSM the characterization of the environmental state of certain environmental factors and ecosystems. Also it has been possible to state the precarious situation of the piscicolas species in Ría of Huelva and the importance of the synergic effect, in the model proposed, on the conditions that undergo the affected populations, in front of the model additive used habitually by the EPA.

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