Probabilistic analysis of the efficiency of reference levels in the evaluation of ground contamination
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soil pollution
risk assessment
Monte Carlo simulation

How to Cite

Callaba de Roa, A., & Chachón Oreja, E. (2002). Probabilistic analysis of the efficiency of reference levels in the evaluation of ground contamination. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 2(2), 63–69. Retrieved from


The developing of regulations for contaminated soils in Spain is taking place under considerations of specific uses for soil and also taking in to account environmental risk. Based on basic principles of risk assessment, a methodology to derive threshold concentrations for substances in soil has been proposed by IGME (Spanish Geological Survey). Regard these threshold concentrations an instrumental issue is to assess their efficiency (trend to produce few false positives and negatives by using them in soil pollution assessment). A probabilistic analysis for efficiency of these screening concentrations has been done by means of a Monte Carlo simulation exercise. Taking into account simulation results, threshold values show a high efficiency with negligible probabilities to yield false positives and probabilities around 0.1 for false positives.
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