The restructuring of the health resources devoted to the environmental health in the Community of Madrid
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environmental health

How to Cite

Ordóñez Iriarte, J. M., Abad Sanz, I., Martínez-Pardo Valle, P., Martínez Corral, J., & Villoria Mendieta, M. I. (2001). The restructuring of the health resources devoted to the environmental health in the Community of Madrid. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 1(1), 36–48. Retrieved from


The Environmental Health, in its broadest sense, wich includes what is administratively meant Environmental Health and Food Hygiene, was traditionally performed by the Titular Chemists, Dictors and Veterinary Surgeons who perforrmed their duties within the limits of the Partidos (Areas or districts within the jurisdiction of a Court). Upon this structures, created in 1953, different technical and political events have been influencing for years, making their restructuring necessary in order to be able to answer the whole of the problems that worry the Public Health.

This work tries to describe the model of Chemist and Veterinary Services restructuring carried out within the Community of Madrid, to analyze this model, and to propose a model of restructuring of this Services that can be a paradigm for thouse Communities that have not undertaken the same process yet.

The methodology we have used is the analysis of the situation before and after the Chemist and Veterinary Services restructuring carried out by means of two different Orders of the Community of Madrid.

“Partido” structures have become obsolete, so the restructuring of resources is a necessity. The approach of this restructuring must be done far from any corporativist tamptation and considerating the possibility of incorporating other professionals different from the traditional ones in view of the increasing complexity of the problems of Environmental Health.

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