Organochlorine exposure and changes in the perinatal period: a review
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organochlorine insecticides
environmental health
public health

How to Cite

Campos Bueno, P., Mendonça Guimarães, R., & Molica Rocha, P. G. (2014). Organochlorine exposure and changes in the perinatal period: a review. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 14(2), 107–113. Retrieved from


Objective: The aim of this review is to survey the state of the art on key perinatal outcomes associated with contamination by organochlorines. Data Source: This is an integrative review. A search was performed in MEDLINE / PubMed for the descriptors “organochlorine” AND “infertility”; “organochlorine” AND “fetal loss”; “organochlorine” AND “preterm delivery”; and “organochlorine” AND “low birth weight,” without time restrictions. As an exclusion criterion, we only considered the analytical studies of bench and animal studies. Data Synthesis: There is great scientific interest in one group of chemicals present in the environment that interfere with the endocrine system’s chemicals and thereby affect health, growth and reproduction, including organochlorine pesticides, which are substances that are extremely persistent in the environment. By mimicking estrogen and androgenic steroids, perinatal outcomes are particularly interesting for evaluating the consequences of chronic exposure to organochlorines. The state of art about how these substances interfere with the human body, especially the endocrine-reproductive axis, is not yet consolidated. Conclusions: It was observed that there is no consensus on the relation between an exposure to organochlorines and perinatal outcomes, although there are indications that there is a cause and effect relationship between the variables.
PDF (Português (Portugal))

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