Environmental Health actions against the asian tiger mosquito in the Autonomous region of Valencia, Spain (2014-2017)
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Aedes albopictus
Zika virus
environmental health

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Barberá Riera, M., Ausina Aguilar, P., López Peña, D., Herrezuelo Antolín, J., Lis Cantín, Álvaro, Jiménez Peydró, R., Martí Boscà, J. V., & Sánchez Pérez, J. F. (2018). Environmental Health actions against the asian tiger mosquito in the Autonomous region of Valencia, Spain (2014-2017). Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 18(2), 96–101. Retrieved from https://ojs.diffundit.com/index.php/rsa/article/view/901


The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, has spread across the Spanish Mediterranean area, including the Autonomous Region of Valencia. This mosquito is capable of transmitting at least 22 arboviruses such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika.The Regional Public Health and Universal Healthcare Ministry’s Directorate General of Public Health has launched several initiatives to monitor and control this species as well as any diseases caused by it. The Environmental Health Area set up a multidisciplinary work group, which includes technicians from both the regional and local administrations and university entomologists, to lead the fight against this vector.An Institutional Commission –with a managerial scope— was subsequently established that has reached key commitments and launched programs with specific actions.The Directorate General of Public Health is working together with the University of Valencia’s Entomology and Pest Control Laboratory to accomplish the goals that have been set.
PDF (Español (España))


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