Reason for the investigation: Most European Union countries have devised and implemented public Green Public Procurement (GPP) action plans, but this is not enough: It is necessary for public administrations to have tools that facilitate their implementation.
Objective: To design a Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria sheet for the Andalusian Healthcare Service to use for outsourcing its catering service based on the compilation of European policies, laws and guides on the subject.
Method: A review based on checking secondary sources and talking to key informants.The methodology was structured around three phases.1st phase: Compilation of directives, regulations and other GPP documents issued by the EU. 2nd phase: Compilation of EU manuals and reports that set GPP criteria for external catering services. 3rd phase: Design of a GPP criteria sheet.
Results: A GPP criteria sheet was designed for the Andalusian Heathcare Service to outsource its catering service to an external company. 21 criteria were selected according to the most significant environmental impacts, public procurement directives, sectoral standards and European GPP manuals and reports.10 of them were technical specifications, 5 award criteria and 6 conditions for execution.
Conclusion: GPP is a tool that public authorities can use to stimulate the supply of products and services with recognized environmental values, while helping to deal with environmental challenges.The 2014 European Public Procurement Directive and other sectoral regulations have been the guide for the inclusion of the above in public contracts.
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