Municipal surveillance and control measures after the detection of an outbreak of the exotic cockroach species Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius, 1775) in Madrid
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pest surveillance and control
environmental health
geographic information systems
exotic species
urban fauna
Periplaneta australasiae
municipal sewer system

How to Cite

Bueno Marí, R., Pita González, J. M., Cordobés Barrio, A., Torres Rodríguez, P., Calvo de Mora, C., & Cámara Vicario, J. M. (2018). Municipal surveillance and control measures after the detection of an outbreak of the exotic cockroach species Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius, 1775) in Madrid. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 18(2), 137–146. Retrieved from


After the presence of the exotic Australian cockroach species Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius, 1775) was detected in a private building in Madrid and reported in April 2018, the city council’s pest control services designed and implemented a comprehensive surveillance and control program to identify potentially infested public areas and eradicate the species in the said areas.

The exhaustive monitoring carried out in public areas under city management led to the capture of an adult P. australasiae female inside a sewer manhole during the study period (May-September 2018).

This paper discusses in detail the results of the pest control treatments that have been carried out, the significance of public-private collaboration for properly managing this species, and the difficulties this insect may encounter in colonizing and expanding widely throughout the municipal sewer system based on the analysis of the values of various environmental variables that were measured at these locations of the city’s underground.

PDF (Español (España))


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