Characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Air of Swimming Pool Installations
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swimming pool
volatile organic compounds
carbon dioxide

How to Cite

Martinez Etxebarria, L., Blanco Cascon, A., Hernández Bayon, V., Azkorra Zugazaba, G., Tamayo-Uria, I., & Alvarez Uriarte, J. (2019). Characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Air of Swimming Pool Installations. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 19(1), 32–41. Retrieved from


We studied inhalation exposure to by products of water disinfection chemicals used in swimming pool facilities. Our methods included sampling indoor air and measuring independent factors such as temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide levels, and the number of users. We quantified concentrations of 38 volatile organic compounds, including trihalomethanes and aromatic volatile organic compounds known to be harmful. The levels detected did not exceed allowable exposure values. A multivariate analysis of the independent factors showed that increasing numbers of users and lower relative humidities are related to greater concentrations of measured compounds in the air.

PDF (Español (España))


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