Aerobiology, the discipline that analyses the dynamics of bioaerosols, such as pollen grains, spores and microorganisms in the air, plays a fundamental role in the prevention of allergic diseases, anticipating the onset of symptoms in sensitised individuals. This paper examines airborne pollen concentrations of the major pollen types in three cities in the Region of Murcia: Cartagena, Murcia and Lorca. Samples were collected with a Hirst-type sampler and analysed under an optical microscope using standardised aerobiological methodology, validated at European level. The results show a significant increase in the annual pollen indexes of the main pollen types in 2023, compared to the average of the period 2010-2022. Despite geographical proximity, there is variability in the predominant taxa between cities, highlighting the importance of robust aerobiological monitoring networks, as well as the need for a robust legislative framework that integrates biological pollutants with other elements of air pollution, enabling better management of allergic diseases, reducing costs and improving the quality of life of affected patients.
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