Author Guidelines
REVISTA DE SALUD AMBIENTAL has the following sections:
- Original manuscripts
Research articles, review articles and case studies, as well as analysis of health and environmental actions (environmental health, food hygiene, occupational health, public health laboratories and toxicology). The manuscripts should have the following structure: Abstract, Keywords, Text (Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion), Acknowledgments and References. The maximum length of the text should not exceed 12 pages, with a maximum of six figures and six tables. It is advisable that there are no more than six authors. - Special contributions
The maximum length of the text should not exceed 15 pages. No more than 60 references should be cited. Inclusion of tables and figures is optional. - Other sections
REVISTA DE SALUD AMBIENTAL includes other sections, such as editorials, letters to the editor, bibliographic information, etc.
The following publication guidelines are a summary adapted from the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (Vancouver style), drawn up by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Available at:
Each manuscript must comply with a submission process and should be presented as a double-spaced text document, using an 11-point Arial font, in DIN-A4 page size, leaving top, bottom and side margins of 2.5 cm.
The manuscript should conform to the following format: Title Page, Abstract, Text and References. The tables and figures, with their corresponding titles and explanatory legends, should be presented in the same submission process in independent files, as complementary files.
Neither the text document of the manuscript, nor the complementary files that accompany the manuscript, should exceed 6 MB in size.
Title Page
This page should have the following information:
- Article title (concise but informative).
- The complete name of all the authors.
- The complete name of the department(s) and institution(s) of each author.
- Full name and contact information for the corresponding or first author, including telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address.
Second page
This page should have the following information:
- Funding:
Scholarships or grants obtained to undertake this work and other specifications. The absence of funding should also be clearly indicated. - Conflict-of-Interest Notification:
The authors must declare any type of financial or other relationship that could have had an influence on the carrying out of this research, and on the preparation of the manuscript for the journal. An absence of a conflict of interest must also be declared.
As an example, if the answer to any of the following questions is affirmative, then there could exist a conflict of interest:
- In the last five years, have any of the authors maintained any type of financial relationship with any institution that is favoured or harmed by the results in the submitted manuscript?
- Do the results of the study harm or benefit any institution, organization or person for reasons of rivalry or friendship?
- Do the results of the study benefit any institution, organization or person subsidizing the research?
Abstract and Keywords
An abstract with a maximum length of 250 words should be included. It should describe concisely the purpose of the research, the basic procedures carried out, the most noteworthy results and the main conclusions of the study.
Below the Abstract, between 3 and 10 keywords should be specified, which identify the content of the article for its inclusion in the directories and databases.
The title page, as well as the abstract and keywords will be published in Spanish, Portuguese and English. The authors should submit these sections, at least, in English.
The following pages should contain the main text of the article. Original articles must be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion. Other types of articles, such as reviews, case studies, etc. may need a different format.
- Introduction
It should clearly indicate in a concise way the basic aspects and the purpose of the research, but should not include data or conclusions from the work being published. - Material and methods
It should clearly describe the methodology used, including the selection and description of participants or material studied, identifying the methods, apparatus and/or procedures in sufficient detail to allow other researchers to reproduce the results. Details of the statistical and laboratory methods used should be provided.
When reporting experiments on human and animal subjects, indicate the ethical standards followed by the authors. The appropriate informed consent must be obtained for experimental studies on human subjects. When referring to drugs and chemicals identify them precisely, indicating the generic name. - Results
The results should be presented clearly and concisely, restricting tables and figures to a minimum, so that there is no duplication of the data in the main text, the figures or the tables. - Discussion
The main findings should be presented and compared with those of other published studies, together with the conclusions and relevant applications. Do not repeat in detail the results of the previous section, while the conclusions should be supported by the results of the study.
When necessary, individuals, institutions or bodies involved in the research, but not meeting the criteria for authorship, can be thanked for their contribution.
The bibliographical references must appear in the same order as in the text, with the appropriate consecutive numbers in superscript Arabic numerals. The following are a few examples:
Journal articles
- Jerrett M, Gale S, Kontgis C. Spatial Modeling in Environmental and Public Health. Research Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2010; 7:1302-29.
- Cózar JM. Principio de precaución y medio ambiente. Rev. Esp. Salud Pública 2005; 79(2):133-44.
Books and other monographs
- Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD). Informe sobre desarrollo humano 2006. Más allá de la escasez: poder, pobreza y la crisis mundial del agua. Madrid: Mundi Prensa; 2006.
- Casas S, García A, Suárez S, et al. La salud en la evaluación de impactos ambientales. Guía metodológica. Madrid: Sociedad Española de Sanidad Ambiental. 2011.
Chapter in a book
- Ordóñez Iriarte JM. Radiaciones ultravioletas y cambio climático. Efectos en la salud. In: Martí Boscà JV, director, et al. Cambio global España 2020/50. Cambio climático y salud. Asturias: CCEIM-ISTAS-SESA. 2012. pp. 228-42.
Conference and Congress proceedings
- Barcellos C, Coutinho K, Pina MF, et al. Health risk analysis of the Rio de Janeiro water supply using Geographical Information Systems. In: Abstracts of GIS in Public Health. San Diego, Estados Unidos: ESRI; 1998.
- Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editores. Recent advances in clinical neurophisiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophisiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japón. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.
Legal documents
- Real Decreto 102/2011, de 28 de enero, relativo a la mejora de la calidad del aire. BOE nº 25, de 29 de enero.
Internet sources
The tables should be presented as independent files, one file per table (not larger than 6 MB), as complementary files. They should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals, with the title above the table and the relevant explanatory legend below the table.
Figures and illustrations
They should be numbered consecutively, in the order they appear in the text, using Arabic numerals. The explanatory legend should contain sufficient information to be able to correctly interpret the figure without referring to the main text. They should be sent in independent files (not larger than 6 MB), as complementary files, and with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch).
The manuscripts should be sent to the REVISTA DE SALUD AMBIENTAL using the platform available at: To be able to do this, it is essential that the author completes the registration process for this platform, filling out all the mandatory fields of the profile and, at least, selecting the option “Register as an author” (“Registrarse como autor”), which can be found in the last part of the form. Once registered, the author can obtain access to the five-step submission process, during which the following will be requested: the text file with the manuscript, the data of the article and the complementary files to be included in the text.
The Editorial committee of the REVISTA DE SALUD AMBIENTAL will acknowledge receipt of the documents sent by the author and will, subsequently, inform the author about the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.
The manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously by external referees. The Editorial committee of REVISTA DE SALUD AMBIENTAL reserves the right to reject an article that it does not deem appropriate for publication, as well as to introduce modifications in style to adapt the manuscript to the publication guidelines, while promising to respect the content of the original.
Prior to publication of the article, the author will receive a copy of the proofs for their final correction. These have to be returned to the Editorial committee of the journal within 72 hours of their receipt.
REVISTA DE SALUD AMBIENTAL does not return the original files, whether or not they have been accepted for publication.
Where appropriate, written permission for publication must be included from the institution that has financed the research.
Submission of the manuscript implies that it has not been previously published, and that it is not being considered for publication in another journal, book, etc.
It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain written permission to partially reproduce material from other publications.
REVISTA DE SALUD AMBIENTAL declines any responsibility regarding any possible conflicts relating to the authorship of the articles that it publishes.
REVISTA DE SALUD AMBIENTAL does not accept any responsibility for the statements made by the authors.