DPSEEA Model and Environmental Health Surveillance in Portugal: Oncological Diseases
PDF (Português (Portugal))


public health
environmental health
health surveillance

How to Cite

da Silva Nunes, R. P., & Pires Justo, C. (2021). DPSEEA Model and Environmental Health Surveillance in Portugal: Oncological Diseases. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 21(1), 23–36. Retrieved from https://ojs.diffundit.com/index.php/rsa/article/view/1050


In Portugal cancer is the main cause of premature death and the second main cause of death for all age groups. It is estimated that, globally, the proportion of cases of cancer due to modifiable risk factors exceeds one third of the total number of cases.

Through an applied, descriptive and documental research, an indicators dashboard was prepared based on the DPSEEA model, optimizing the use of available information for obtaining a snapshot of the situation and evolution of environmental health in Portugal having an impact on oncological diseases.

41 websites belonging to public bodies were consulted, resulting in the selection of 81 potential indicators. The most adequate indicators–3 for each dimension of the model–was selected by a panel of 21 experts. These indicators were classified in terms of validity, solidity, relevance, sensitivity and statistical quality.

The differences observed in the scores for the different indicators in all dimensions are of statistical significance, and the chosen set of 3 indicators for each dimension is likewise relevant in 95 % thereof (p < 0.05).

The country’s performance was evaluated on a 0-100 scale by calculating 3 index numbers: performance, dimension, and overall.

Portugal has action programmes for current environmental domains that are in need of a review so as to optimize them and carry out an effective intersectoral intervention on environmental health from which a decrease in the exposure to oncologically determinant environmental aspects results.

PDF (Português (Portugal))


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