Health and housing: energy efficiency, sustainable urban development and the 2030 agenda. Conclusions and future
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public health
sustainable urban development
energy and climate
energy efficiency
energy savings
climate change

How to Cite

Vargas Marcos, F., de la Cruz Mera, Ángela, & Heras Celemin, M. del R. (2021). Health and housing: energy efficiency, sustainable urban development and the 2030 agenda. Conclusions and future. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 21(1), 56–64. Retrieved from


The 2011 Spanish Public Health Act, WHO and scientific evidence have all confirmed the impact of the home on health. Housing is not only a right—according to the Spanish Constitution and the UN—but is directly related to suitable development, i.e. development that twins the environment with economic growth and equitably improves the quality of life and social welfare of its occupants. On the other hand, housing has, together with buildings, a high energy impact: both generate polluting emissions that contribute to climate change. Energy efficiency and the “smart city” concept must help to bring down energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission levels. These goals are envisaged in the Paris Agreement and the Spanish Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC), Fair Transition Strategy and Urban Agenda and are at the heart of the transformation of the economy.

Spanish legislation (CTE and RITE), basic requirements and technical standards (UNE, ISO) on health protection, indoor environmental quality, and housing and building maintenance, inspection and control are described herein. In addition, conclusions are reached and recommendations made about health protection, the need to improve inspections and to control regulations, sustainable urban planning, energy efficiency, and the achievement of healthier, friendlier, smarter, more welcoming and more equitable cities.

PDF (Español (España))


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