Use of The Activated Carbon Method for Quick Radon Measurements in Dwellings
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air quality

How to Cite

Veiga Ochoa, M. E., Sánchez Ramos, L., & Panero Frade, I. (2022). Use of The Activated Carbon Method for Quick Radon Measurements in Dwellings. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 22(2), 143–149. Retrieved from


Indoor radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. The determination of the concentration of radon in dwellings in the city of Madrid by means of a quick, inexpensive method, such as by means of activated carbon probes, makes it possible to collect information on the matter in order to determine whether a more detailed study of the area should be conducted. As far as the results that were obtained are concerned, between 13 % and 15 % of the dwellings exceeded the limit recommended by the WHO. Thus, it is advisable, bearing in mind the geological stratum of the city of Madrid, to expand the study for the determination of the presence of radon in the city›s dwellings.

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