Public green spaces (PGS) are considered fundamental elements in the sustainable city model, competing various environmental, ecosystemic, and social roles. The quality and accessibility are key factors in maximizing their positive effects on human health. This study was conducted in the city of Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina, with the aim of describing the situation of PGS in terms of their distribution, size, and analyzing their spatial accessibility using a quantitative descriptive approach. Firstly, public green spaces within the city were identified and classified using satellite imagery and field visits. The coverage of public green spaces was then quantified at a global level and stratified according to census areas. A proximity analysis was performed using different access distances to PGS according to their size, and the population with simultaneous coverage of three types of green spaces was calculated. Subsequently, differences in the surface area of green spaces were evaluated based on the unsatisfied basic needs of households in each census area using statistical tests. Finally, the spatial distribution pattern of green spaces was analyzed using spatial autocorrelation, and statistical tests were conducted to assess the existence of significant spatial clusters. 34 % (24,928 inhabitants) of the population have simultaneous coverage of three types of green spaces. There is no significant association between the size or quantity of PGS and the percentage of households with Unsatisfied Basic Needs according to census tracts (p <0.01). The results can be useful for the planning and management of these spaces, as well as for addressing challenges related to spatial equity and urban sustainability.
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