Socio-territorial inequalities in the periurban: an analysis of habitability in the Conception of Uruguay, Entre Ríos
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peri-urban, habitability, environment, quality of life

How to Cite

Belmonte, V. A., Gervasoni, A. L., Azario, R. R., Boffelli, C. M., Farabello, J. S., & Blanc, R. L. (2024). Socio-territorial inequalities in the periurban: an analysis of habitability in the Conception of Uruguay, Entre Ríos. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 24(1), 64–71. Retrieved from


Peri-urban areas represent a continuum between rural and urban, characterized by a complex interaction of social and institutional elements. This study focuses on analyzing the habitability conditions in peri-urban areas of Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina, which have experienced disorderly and unplanned development. Through the application of objective and subjective indicators, we sought to understand the socio-territorial disparities and the local patterns of spatial identification that influence the quality of life of the population.

The results reveal significant deficiencies in key aspects such as health quality, environmental vulnerability and urban accessibility. Poor water and sewage management, along with irregular urban waste collection services, as well as the location of homes close to industrial zones and waste dumps, pose substantial challenges for the well-being of the inhabitants.

The lack of access to educational and health facilities, green spaces and public transport stands out as a widespread problem. A majority satisfaction is revealed with the quality of air, water and soil. However, low levels of satisfaction are recorded with regard to drinking water and sanitation services. Regarding the perception of environmental risk, it varies widely due to proximity to industries or lack of knowledge.

In conclusion, these conditions pose significant challenges to improving the quality of life of the peri-urban population. Sustainable planning and development strategies are required that address these deficiencies and promote a healthier and more accessible environment for its residents.

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