Inclusive evaluations: some thoughts on the possibilities and implications of participatory approaches in evaluation practices
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evaluation in healthcare
translational medical research
evaluation of healthcare programs and projects

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Moreira dos Santos, E., Andrade de oliveira, E., Cordeiro Pereira Cardoso, G., Tavares Cavalcanti, M. de L., Leal Costa, A. J., & Câmara, V. (2018). Inclusive evaluations: some thoughts on the possibilities and implications of participatory approaches in evaluation practices. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 18(2), 172–181. Retrieved from


This paper analyzes the use of a hybrid model for the evaluation of the Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health (BDPH) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The evaluation sought to improve the teaching of the Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health and to propose alternative approaches for evaluating teaching and learning initiatives. It was assumed that in contemporary knowledge- based societies, teaching and learning processes can be better appreciated and valued within the scope of translational operations that mediate the construction of socio-technical networks. A comparative analysis of inclusive evaluation models supported the selection of the collaborative approach. The models were compared using participatory, empowered, collaborative and translational approaches based on the fundamental attributes underlying evaluation processes: knowledge production, assessment, uses, and influences. The findings point to the insufficiency of a single approach in capturing the complexity of reality and suggest there is a need for a critical, translational hybridization of the different models.
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