Agriculture is the most widespread economic activity in the rural areas of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. The modernization of the Mexican farmland has percolated and is causing the transformation of the traditional corn production system to a conventional system that is dependent on the use of external inputs—particularly pesticides, there by affecting the health of peasants. The goal of this study was to characterize the pesticides that are used in growing corn in rural areas of Oaxaca. Through a cross- sectional study, 449 producers were interviewed to find out their age and some variables of the production system, specifically regarding the use of pesticides. These products were characterized according to their active ingredient (AI), chemical classification, toxicological category (TC) and pesticide type by their action. We identified 48 AIs with different TCs and chemical classes. The use of herbicides and insecticides predominates over fungicides. The multiplicity in the application of the same AI was identified in different commercial presentations by the same producer, as well as the application of mixtures with different AIs (14.5 %). Young people are exposed to the same AIs as older adults. Most of the identified AIs are considered highly dangerous due to their high acute toxicity and their chronic effects on human health. We recommend doing more research to assess the harm to the health of users and implementing agricultural strategies to reduce the exposure to pesticides in rural environments.References
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