The REACH Regulation: Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical Substances and Preparations in the European Union
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chemical substances
chemical mixtures

How to Cite

Sánchez Peña, C. M., & Macías Magro, D. (2019). The REACH Regulation: Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical Substances and Preparations in the European Union. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 19(1), 42–53. Retrieved from


From the point of view of healthcare, having information concerning the hazardousness of chemicals and their potential negative effects on human health and the environment is essential for assessing their associated risks and making decisions to reduce them. Therefore, the lack of this knowledge has led to a growing concern about chemical substances and mixtures on the part of the users of chemicals and of national and European institutions. The ongoing, decades old discussion about how the chemical risk should be managed has shown it is necessary to adopt integrated policies to mitigate it. These policies should be shared by the different administrations that are responsible for chemical risk management and based on the principles of substitution and precaution. In addition to ensuring the protection of human health and the environment, these policies should promote the competitiveness and innovation of chemical companies. The REACH Regulation is one of the European strategies that meet all these requirements.

The purpose of this document is to provide a general overview of how REACH works and of its relevant aspects. The basic characteristics of the process for registering chemicals, evaluating those registrations and managing the risks posed by chemicals through the use of the figures of authorization and restriction are described herein and accompanied by examples and current data to make them easier to understand.

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