Map of environmental sanitary risks in the matanza river basin (Argentina). A methodology for prioritizing interventions
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How to Cite

Pasqualini, M. F., Faure Montania, E., Hepp, Y., Antolini, L., Finkelstein, J. Z., & García S. I. (2019). Map of environmental sanitary risks in the matanza river basin (Argentina). A methodology for prioritizing interventions. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 19(2), 148–158. Retrieved from


The Matanza River Basin, in Argentina, is the site of the most notorius environmental problem in the country, with high levels of organic contamination from the discharge of untreated sewage and toxic chemicals, such as hydrocarbons and heavy metals, from petrochemical factories, tanneries, and refrigerators. Almost one million socially vulnerable people who are exposed to environmental threats live in the so-called “emerging development zones (urbanizaciones emergentes, or UREM).” This study describes the methodology for drawing an Environmental Health Risk Map (MaRSA) by weighting environmental health determinants (threats and vulnerabilities),in order to characterize the 593 UREM in the Matanza River Basin according to their risk level (very high, high, moderate, low, and very low) and to prioritize the taking of evaluation and management actions. Fifty variables were selected from secondary sources, and prioritization factors and a weighting system interrelating the former by means of the application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) were established. Out of the 593 UREM, 71 were classified as being at very high risk (where 170 977 people live), 138 at high risk, 136 at moderate risk, 139 at low risk, and 109 at very low risk.

High-risk Zand very-high-risk UREM were selected as a priority to under go Comprehensive Assessments of the Environmental Health in Risk Areas by conducting surveys of households, homes and people and toxicological evaluations of the soil and water and the biomarkers of human exposure to toxic chemicals in each UREM, while identifying and implementing management mechanisms to minimize the risks.

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