Lead levels in the blood of canines from the Matanza River Basin. Their role as early indicators of environmental risk
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early indicator

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González Martínez, V., Fernández, N., Disalvo, L., Varea, A., Finkelstein, J., & García, S. (2019). Lead levels in the blood of canines from the Matanza River Basin. Their role as early indicators of environmental risk. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 19(2), 159–168. Retrieved from https://ojs.diffundit.com/index.php/rsa/article/view/956


Lead is a metal that is toxic for all living beings. Various studies have shown there is a similarity of conditions of exposure and sensitivity to lead contamination between dogs and children, the latter being the main human group at risk. Because of this, the measurement of the blood lead level (BLL) in dogs can act as an ”early biological indicator”, or “early indicator”, of potential human exposure to environmental lead. Since in Argentina there is no reference BLL value for dogs which have not been exposed to sources of contamination, this study aims to correct this situation by calculating this value for the Matanza River Basin. It is an exploratory, cross-sectional/prevalence study that was carried out by analyzing the BLL of 365 canines. Determinations were made by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (GFAAS) (detection limit: 2 μg/dl; limit of quantification: 6 μg/dl). Blood samples were taken between the months of January 2017 and January 2018. Most of the determinations showed non-detectable BLL values (96 %) The prevalence of BLLs higher than 2 μg/dl and lower than 6 μg/dl was 3 %, and of BLLs higher than 6 μg/dl, 1 %. These results provide a background for designing a system to assess and monitor environmental lead contamination in an ethical, accessible, sensitive and cheap way that will have direct, positive impact on vulnerable populations at environmental risk.
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