Spanish Journal of Environmental Health

Current Issue

Vol. 24 No. 2 (2024)
Published December 15, 2024

All analyses report a world at risk and with elements at crisis level, implying that all life forms are at risk. This issue presents a series of contributions from groups in different fields proposing transdisciplinary actions for community-based work.


Luis Eduardo Chinchilla Blanco, Melissa Pereza Castro, Maricruz Rojas Villegas, Fabián Pacheco Rodríguez
Study of composition of organic solid waste for the establishment of a composting alternative, community of Barro Hondo, canton Paraíso, province of Cartago, Costa Rica
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Patricia Cervigón Morales, Jesús Rojo Úbeda, Zuzana Ferencova, Jose Mª Ordóñez Iriarte, Emiliano Aránguez Ruiz, Adela Montserrat Gutiérrez Bustillo
Madrid Region Palynological Network. 30-year airborne pollen surveillance and information system useful in Public Health
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Francisco Aznar Martínez, Stella Moreno-Grau, Luis Negral Álvarez, José María Moreno Grau
Pollen variability in the Region of Murcia: Impact on health and the need for aerobiological monitoring
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Rolando E. Díaz-Caravantes, Francisco M. Durazo-Gálvez, Pablo A. Reyes Castro, Héctor F. Duarte Tagles
Water quality in the Sonora River: Summary and analysis of data from the Río Sonora Trust, 2014-2019
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Monograph. Originals

Horacio Riojas-Rodríguez, Pamela Zuñiga-Bello, Astrid Schilmann
Planetary Health: syndemics from the Latin American and Caribbean Scenarios
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Mauricio León Arce, Evelyn Van-Brussel, Angélica Torres Díaz, Jennifer Abigail Meléndez Moreno, Ivette Paloma Ávila García, Fernando Díaz-Barriga Martínez
Building Environmental Civic Spaces to tackle syndemics in vulnerable scenarios
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Julia Gorman, Marie-Noël Bruné Drisse
The Environmental Health of Children Matters
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Beth Feingold, Carlos del Cairo, Hortensia Caballero-Arias, Danny Pinedo, Daniel Bustos Echeverry, Paola Alejandra Torres-Slimming
Transboundary, Transdisciplinary and Intercultural Strategies for the Sustainability of Human and Environmental Health in Amazonia
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Francisco Marmolejo Cossío
Bridging Research and Practice for Equity and Access: An Overview of the EAAMO Initiative
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Heterodox Histories

Susana Cubero Ramos, Inmaculada Castillo Lozano
Professional colleges and rural pharmacy
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News and literature review

Mª Luisa González Márquez, Javier Reinares Ortiz de Villajos, Inmaculada Izquierdo Moya, Pedro García López, Juan Ángel Ferrer Azcona, Óscar Martínez Jiménez
News and literature review
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Annotated regulations

Susana Isabel García Comesaña, Manuel F. Herrera Artiles, José María Ordóñez Iriarte, Jorge Zavatti
Environmental Regulations Discussed Section
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