Food Security and Safety in the Face of Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation
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climate change
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Mirón Pérez, I. J. (2023). Food Security and Safety in the Face of Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 23(1), 77–88. Retrieved from


Climate change is negatively affecting crop yields and food-producing industries other than the farming industry, thus compromising global food security. However, a review of the scientific literature reveals that adaptive proposals have been made that might lessen these effects provided they are accompanied by measures for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

Adaptation and mitigation measures would include the use of adapted crop varieties; efficient water management; the use of precision conservation farming tools; the promotion of organic farming; the reuse of manure; the protection of extensive livestock farming and native breeds; research into and improvements in animal feed and welfare; the control and monitoring of diseases, especially those zoonotic diseases that pose the greatest risk to public health within the “One Health” approach; the devising of fisheries policies with the aim of reestablishing and maintaining the balance between available resources and fishing activities; and the promotion of sustainable aquaculture as an option for lessening the effects of a decrease in catches from extractive fishing and supplying the market.

Adaptation and mitigation options include alternative food sources, such as insects, and food waste reduction. Enhanced health warning, monitoring and information systems and official food control systems are essential to tackle the potential food safety risks associated with climate change.

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