Mobile telephony antennas: localization and proximity to sensitive areas in the Inma-Gipuzkoa study area
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electromagnetic fields
mobile telephony
spatial analysis
vulnerable population

How to Cite

Gallastegui, M., Tamayo-Uria, I., Jiménez, A.-M., Aurrekoetxea, J.-J., Santa-Marina, L., & Ibarluzea, J. (2014). Mobile telephony antennas: localization and proximity to sensitive areas in the Inma-Gipuzkoa study area. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 14(2), 98–106. Retrieved from


In Europe, Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC sets the limits and reference levels for the exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz – 300 GHz). Several European countries, Spain included, have set limits and/or more restrictive measures in areas known as “sensitive areas” based on the duration of the exposure and the presence of sensitive population.

The aim of this study was to describe the location and proximity of mobile telephony antennas to the sensitive areas in the municipalities which are part of the INMA-Gipuzkoa project.

The antennas and the sensitive areas (schools, health centers, old people’s home residences and public parks) were georeferenced. Area of influence of 50, 100, 300 and 600 meters were created around the sensitive areas and mobile telephony antennas were counted in each one of them.

A total of 247 sensitive areas and 156 antennas were found. 54% of the antennas were located within the established catchment areas. Except for a health center and a park, the rest of the sensitive areas did not have any antenna within a 100-m radius. 47% of the sensitive areas had at least one antenna within a 600 m radius, 20.6% between 1 and 3 antennas and 21.5% between 4 and 6 antennas.

Only two sensitive areas had some antenna in the nearby catchment areas (0- 100 m). Nevertheless, distance is not the only variable affecting exposure, so future studies should measure exposure levels in these areas.

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