Vol. 14 No. 1 (2014): Reproductive Health and Environment
Reproductive Health and Environment


Emiliano Aránguez Ruiz, Araceli Arce Arnáez, Laura Moratilla Monzo, Alicia Estirado Gómez, Andrés Iriso Calle, Santiago De la Fuente Ureña, María José Soto Zabalgogeazcoa, Fernando Fuster Lorán, María Ordobás Gavín, Ana María Martínez Serrano, Felipe Vilas Herranz
Spatial analysis of an outbreak of leishmaniasis in the south of Madrid’s metropolitan area. 2009-2013
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Santiago Fernández-Rodríguez, Rafael Tormo-Molina, José María Maya-Manzano, Inmaculada Silva-Palacios, Ángela Gonzalo-Garijo
Seasonality and diversity of airborne Aspergillus in the outdoor air of Badajoz
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News and literature review

Rafael J. García-Villanova, Javier Aldaz Berruezo, Jesús Ibarluzea Maurolagoitia
News and literature review
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Reproductive Health and Environment. Originals

Lidia Mínguez-Alarcón, Jaime Mendiola Olivares, Alberto Manuel Torres-Cantero
Semen quality and heavy metal and pesticides toxicity
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Maria Pilar Mira-Escolano, Jaime Mendiola Olivares, Lidia Minguez-Alarcón, Manuela Roca, Jose Juan Lopez-Espin, Alberto Manuel Torres-Cantero
Anogenital distance of women in relation to maternal prenatal exposures
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Agustin Llopis-Gonzalez, Juan Carlos Dueñas Ricaurte, Vicente Huerta Biosca, María M. Morales Suarez-Varela
Effects of endocrine disruption during pregnancy: a systematic review
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