Vol. 15 No. 1 (2015): Emergencies and Disasters
Emergencies and Disasters


Marco Antonio Garcia Zarate, María Evarista Arellano García, Luis Walter Daessle Heuser, Mariana Villada Canela, Margarito Quintero Núñez
Qualitative map for analyzing the BTEX risk due to proximity to gas stations in the city of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
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Vivien Pentreath, Elena González, Mercedes Barquín, Stella Maris Ríos, Susana Perales
Acute toxicity bioassay with native plants to evaluate an oil spill
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Concepcion Onaindia Olalde, Eva Alonso Fustel, Raquel García Vázquez
Application of the health impact assessment methodology. Experience in the analysis of drinking water fluoridation in the Basque Country
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María del Carmen Casañas Carrillo, Gonzalo Hurtado Bejarano, Dolores De la Rosa Millán, Mª Jesús Ollero Palma, Francisco Perales Godoy, Manuel Cobo Aceituno
Review of publication of required information in detergents from Health District Jaen Sur
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Special Contributions

Almudena García Nieto, Isabel Marta Morales, Mª José Soto Zabalgogeazcoa, José María Ordóñez Iriarte
Technical proposal for including health in the procedures for assessing the environmental impact of policies, plans, programmes, projects and activities
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Heterodox Histories

José Vicente Martí Boscà
Giovanni Berlinguer, 1924-2015
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News and literature review

Rafael J. García-Villanova, Javier Aldaz Berruezo, Jesús Ibarluzea Maurolagoitia
News and literature review
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Emergencies and disasters. Originals

Federico Aznar Fernández-Montesinos
Globalization, security and crises. The role of the armed forces in the 21st century
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Francisco José Ruiz Boada, Antonia Garcés de Marcilla Val
Environmental emergencies and the role of the National Environmental Health Center
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Mª Pilar Sanmartin-Burruezo, Mª José García-Zarco, Mª Teresa Rosique-Hernández, Bernardino Párraga-Sánchez, José Jesús Guillén-Pérez
Public health measures in the event of a disaster: about the 2011 Lorca earthquake
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