Vol. 21 No. 2 (2021): Vectors and Public Health in the Current Climate Change Scenario: An Approach to Vector Control
Vectors and Public Health in the Current Climate Change Scenario: An Approach to Vector Control


Melissa Peraza-Castro, Xinia Alvarado-Zeledon
Teaching Environmental Health in Costa Rica: Educational Framework
PDF (Español (España))
Emiliana E. Orcellet, Daiana M. Caire, Martina Villanova, Francisco Savoy, Jorge O. Noir, Solange Hagedorn
Air Quality: Industrial Pollution as a Risk Factor for Acute Respiratory Diseases in Children
PDF (Español (España))
Amparo Torrecilla Rojas, Antonio Rodríguez De Cepeda, Joaquín Torres Peral, Jesús Senent De Frutos, Miguel Pedregal González
Degree of Satisfaction of Economic Operators Subject to Health Inspections by the Andalusian Public Health System
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Maxwell Zarate, Jose Iannacone
Microplastics on Three Sandy Beaches along the Central Coast of Peru
PDF (Español (España))

Monograph. Originals

David López Peña, Ricardo Jiménez Peydró
Factors behind the Damage Caused by Simuliidae
PDF (Español (España))
Gastón Mougabure-Cueto, Patricia A. Lobbia
Insecticide Resistance in Triatoma infestans in Argentina
PDF (Español (España))
Rubén Bueno, Daniel Jiménez Vidal, Jose Manuel Pita González, Isaac García Masiá
Vector Control Measures against Mosquitoes during Arbovirus Outbreaks
PDF (Español (España))
José María Ordóñez Iriarte, Andrés Iriso Calle, Fernando Fuster Lorán, Ana Tello Fierro, Ana Junco Bonet, María de la Cruz Pérez
Entomological Surveillance of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1894) in the Community of Madrid, Spain: 2016–2020 Results Preview
PDF (Español (España))
Claudio Manuel Rodrigues, Lena Geise, Gilberto Salles Gazeta, Stefan Vilges De Oliveira
Not So Special Health: Rewriting the Discourses on the (Re-) Emergence of Zoonoses
PDF (Português (Portugal))

News and literature review

Rafael J. García-Villanova, Isidro J. Mirón Pérez, Julio Díaz Jiménez, Cristina Linares, M. Luisa González Márquez
News and literature review
PDF (Español (España))