Spatial analysis of an outbreak of leishmaniasis in the south of Madrid’s metropolitan area. 2009-2013
Revista de Salud Ambiental 14 (1) 2014
PDF (Español (España))

Supplementary Files

Esquema distribución mapas (Español (España))
Tabla 1. Distribución de casos (Español (España))
Mapa 1 (Español (España))
Mapa 2_1 (Español (España))
Mapa 2_2 (Español (España))
Mapa 2_3 (Español (España))
Mapa 2_4 (Español (España))
Mapa 3_1 (Español (España))
Mapa 3_2 (Español (España))
Mapa 3_3 (Español (España))
Mapa 3_4 (Español (España))
Mapa 4_1 (Español (España))
Mapa 4_2 (Español (España))
Mapa 4_3 (Español (España))
Mapa 4_4 (Español (España))
Mapa 5_1 (Español (España))
Mapa 5_2 (Español (España))
Mapa 5_3 (Español (España))
Mapa 5_4 (Español (España))
Mapa 6_1 (Español (España))
Mapa 6_2 (Español (España))
Mapa 6_3 (Español (España))
Mapa 7_1 (Español (España))
Mapa 7_2 (Español (España))
Mapa 7_3 (Español (España))


spatial analysis
vector-borne diseases
zoonotic diseases

How to Cite

Aránguez Ruiz, E., Arce Arnáez, A., Moratilla Monzo, L., Estirado Gómez, A., Iriso Calle, A., De la Fuente Ureña, S., Soto Zabalgogeazcoa, M. J., Fuster Lorán, F., Ordobás Gavín, M., Martínez Serrano, A. M., & Vilas Herranz, F. (2014). Spatial analysis of an outbreak of leishmaniasis in the south of Madrid’s metropolitan area. 2009-2013. Spanish Journal of Environmental Health, 14(1), 39–53. Retrieved from


Leishmaniasis is an endemic zoonotic disease in Spain. The purpose of this study is to conduct a spatial analysis of the key elements of this disease’s cycle–vectors, reservoirs and human cases–during a community outbreak in four towns in the southern corner of Madrid’s metropolitan area: Fuenlabrada, Getafe, Humanes de Madrid and Leganés.

A total of 485 cases of leishmaniasis, registered in the Community of Madrid’s Epidemiological Surveillance System were analyzed; symptoms were reported between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2013.

Most cases were reported in northern Fuenlabrada. The results of spatial analysis revealed that, during the study period, the areas with the highest concentration of cases were peripheral residential areas bordering green zones with high densities of sandflies and a relatively high prevalence of leishmaniasis in lagomorphs. This shows that the main exposure occurred at home or close to home.

This study shows that road and railway infrastructures could have played a decisive role in the spatial pattern of the outbreak by acting as territorial barriers somewhat isolating several urban centers from exposure to the pathogen, as routes of entry for the vector into other urban centers, or as generators of an environment (slopes on roadside) of suitable habitats for reservoirs and vectors.

The spatial analysis of the outbreak has guided the actions for preventing and controlling the outbreak in these towns and is still useful to study its evolution. GISs are tools that help to understand the genesis and evolution of infectious disease outbreaks and to design the appropriate environmental interventions.

PDF (Español (España))

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